I have a little request to any of you who has some MIDI knowledge.
Well, I don't know much about MIDI (just have some basic idea) and I wondered how could I use it with my precious i2 and of course with my computer. i2 itself has so many features like very good sequencer etc. that I don't see what MIDI could do better to it. I know I am certainly wrong so I would like to ask anybody to give me some clue.
I have a book about MIDI, I read it but... I am a practical guy.
I have Pentium 166, SB AWE32, Cakewalk 5 pro and I even have MIDI cable but I guess I need an interface which goes to...(serial port?).
I know this question may sound stupid to many of you but I've never dealt with it yet so I think its about time to start.